The tongue is the primary organ of taste, as much of its surface is covered in different taste buds; it is one of the chief centers of the sense of taste; more
The taste buds in the human tongue and mouth can detect five basic taste components: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and savory; more
The sense of taste does not work as efficiently unless your nose is clear, so a cold in the head will handicap the taste functions of the tongue; more
If the tongue is in normal functioning condition, it is one of our greatest protectors against poisoning. A healthy tongue will usually detect any food that is not proper for human consumption; more
The tongue also has the ability to locate and pick out any foreign bodies such as a piece of bone, glass, or other objectionable matter which may have fallen into our food, prevents its swallowing,.. more
As soon as food or drink is introduced into the mouth the tongue begins the process of preparing it for the next stage of the Digestive Process; more
The tongue automatically and mechanically places the food between the upper and lower teeth for chewing, always keeping itself out of danger of being bitten. Simultaneously, it also brings the cheek.. more
With no conscious thought on your part, the tongue separates the food and spreads it out over the largest surface possible. This will allow the saliva and enzymes to mix in with the food for maximum.. more
The tongue is a very sensitive organ and is kept moist by saliva, and it is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels to help it move. Saliva is being produced throughout the day and night. Th.. more
This chewing process helps to expose and spread the food over as large an area as possible. This only possible with smaller mouthfuls Try it. As much as possible of the food’s surface area must be m.. more