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What you do during waking hours carries over into sleep. Therefore mouth breathing inhaling or exhaling will increase the chances of mouth breathing during sleep. more
Early research indicated that nose breathing imposes approximately 50 percent more resistance to the air stream in normal individuals than does mouth breathing, resulting in 10-20 percent more O2 up.. more
Breathing through the mouth with the nose obstructed usually imposes too little resistance and can lead to micro-areas of poor ventilation in the lungs (atelactasis). Many years of breathing agains.. more
Body temperature may even be influenced by the temperature of expired air. more
The work load of lung movement doubled with nose breathing, creating a mild resistance training effect. more
Training yourself to nose breathe during your waking hours can help the way you breathe while sleeping. more
There is less chance of being susceptible to the common cold in nose breathing. The mucous (white blood cells that kill germs) membrane lining the nose extends all the way from the inner linings of.. more
Nose Breathing must be one of the more simple disciplines that we can try to adapt and make part of our lifestyle. It is a non-invasive habit, can be adapted by everyone and provides numerous benefi.. more