The body is straight, but not robotic! The appearance is relaxed as the ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles align in one straight line. If you hung an imaginary plumb line from the earlobe, the line would hang straight through the middle of the anklebone.
Good Posture means that your whole body is in alignment related to the natural and intended position of the muscles and skeleton system.
The best posture is one in which the body segments are balanced in the position of optimal alignment and maximum support, with full mobility possible. Try this: Bend forward from the hips with the knees bent. Now turn the upper body either to the right or left. Take note of the small turn? Now stand upright and with knees slightly bent, turn the upper body to the right or left. Did you notice the bigger arc this time?
Optimal posture allows for pain-free movement with a minimum of energy expenditure, and is a sign of vigor, power and collective control of the body and its actions.
Any deviations from the ideal, efficient alignment will eventually result in chronic pain symptoms, which are generally predictable.
Correct posture involves training and awareness so that your body is in a position of least strain on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement or weight-bearing activities. This applies to whether you are standing, walking, sitting or lying, as well as running, jumping or doing other activities.
Keeping the muscles, bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly and to their maximum efficiency, means more power and control, whilst minimizing the possibility of headaches and back pain in general.
Good posture means there is musculoskeletal balance. This balance helps to protect the joints in the spine from excessive stress. It also guards against injury and possible deformity. Good posture is a great “tool" to possess so as to help prevent pain.