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is a Ligament?
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Back Care
Ligaments are strong, fibrous tissue bands that connect bones to other bones to form a joint. They do not connect muscles to bones; that is the function of tendons.
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Table of Contents
Is back pain a common problem?
Which age groups are more prone to back problems?
Can you explain the make-up of the spine in simple terms?
What is a Vertebra?
How are the vertebrae attached?
Why is the spine curved like an “S”?
What is the “Disc” in between the vertebrae?
What is the function of the Disc?
How can the Disc be injured?
Can a Herniated Disc be treated and repaired?
What is a Ligament?
What do Ligaments do?
What can be done for a Torn Ligament?
What stabilizes the spine?
What is a Tendon?
So how do the muscles, tendons and ligaments know what I want them to do?
What is the Spinal Cord?
How is the Spinal Cord made?
What does the Spinal Cord do?
How do the Spinal Nerves know what to do? If there are so many nerve fibers surely they can get their messages mixed up?